Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kat Dennings Girl Broke

Kat Dennings is one of 2 Broke Girls on CBS. She plays Max, a waitress who’s not afraid to tell off a surly customer. Pairing her with former rich brat Caroline (Beth Behrs) could be buddy comedy gold. When Dennings met with the Television Critics Association this summer, we got in some questions about the show and the status of Thor 2.

Kat Dennings: That’s interesting. I think it’s a personality thing. I have friends who are so sarcastic but I never view it as mean. I think it’s just an intention thing. Hopefully as the show goes on, Max’s soul starts to come out and you start to know her as a person. That’s what’s so great about a show that’s on every week is you really get to know these people. As people get to know Max more, then they see that if she says somethiLinkng that could seem mean, it’s not because she is a good person.

Kat Dennings - Photo

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

Kat Dennings

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